Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said the decision on cross-LoC surgical strikes was a "big decision" of his government, but the opposition parties were "unable" to speak about it to the people as it was causing them "pain inside".
Replying to the debate on the Motion of Thanks to the President's address in the Lok Sabha, Modi said while opposition parties were talking a lot about demonetisation, they were not talking about the surgical strikes.
"It was a big decision. (You) are talking about demonetisation but no one is talking about surgical strikes.
"Surgical strikes is causing you trouble. You are unable to speak among people (about it). You are feeling pain inside," he said.
The surgical strikes were carried out by the Indian Army in September on terror launch pads across the Line of Control following a terror attack on an Army camp in Uri in Jammu and Kashmir. The opposition parties have accused the government of "politicising" the surgical strikes.
Modi said the September 29 cross-LoC surgical strikes was a big decision and the Army carried these out successfully.
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Referring to allegations of opposition parties that he had not acted tough against Pakistan-sponsored terrorism despite tall claims, Modi said that the leaders of these parties were not able to repeat their allegations among the people.
Modi said some opposition parties were forced to change their statements on surgical strikes within the first 24 hours after seeing the mood of the people.
He said the defence forces were fully capable of meeting all challenges to the country's security.