Prime Minister Narendra Modi Saturday said he would share his thoughts on the drug menace in his next radio address Sunday, thanking people for sharing eye-opening insights on the topic.
"On Sunday at 11 a.m. I look forward to sharing my thoughts during the 'Mann Ki Baat' radio programme.," he said in a tweet.
He said: "As I said during the last programme, this time I would talk about the menace of drugs."
The prime minister said several people shared ideas, comments and insights on the topic, which he said have been both "eye-opening" and "helpful".
"My thanks to them for contributing," he said.
On Nov 4, he had invited views on the issue of "mitigating the menace of drugs" and had also asked NGOs working on the issue to share their experiences.
Modi's third round of "Mann Ki Baat" radio programme will begin 11 a.m. Sunday.