US President Barack Obama on Tuesday exchanged views with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi about the Paris climate conference, the White House said on Tuesday.
Speaking on phone, "both leaders emphasized their personal commitment to secure a strong climate change agreement this week," and to work together "to achieve a successful outcome," it said in a press release, Xinhua news agency reported.
Negotiators convened at the ongoing UN climate change conference in Paris were eyeing a post-2020 deal that will help to limit the rise in global temperatures to less than two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.
A final draft of a new global climate agreement was reached by negotiators in Paris on Saturday, ready for ministers to read and deal with sensitive political divergences this week before the 12-day conference ends on Friday.
The White House also said that Obama accepted Modi's condolences for the loss of life in the San Bernardino shootings last week.