A majority of men wish to die before their wives bid them goodbye in this world, but hardly anybody wants to die for their country, a study has found.
A study of 1,005 adults, conducted by 60 Minutes and Vanity Fair, showed 70 percent of men would want their wives to outlive them.
Women were slightly less likely to want to be outlived, with 62 percent of women saying they would want to die before their husband, Daily Mail reported.
Fifty-five percent of the people overall said they would give up their lives for their children. But hardly five percent said they would die for their country.
The poll was part of a mortality-themed study, which also looked at other questions about death and dying.
Asked which celebrity they would like to bring back to life, 35 percent mentioned Princess Diana, followed by 14 percent who chose Steve Jobs and 11 percent stating Michael Jackson's name.
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Family members were the people most participants said they would give up their lives for, with 55 percent choosing children.
If they were given a choice, 12 per cent said they'd die for their spouse, ten per cent would give up their lives for their parents, ten per cent would die for their religion, and only five per cent said they'd die for their country.