In the wake of around 25,000 cases of irregularities surfacing in Madhya Pradesh's "Jai Kisan Fasal Rinn Mafi Yojana" (loan waiver scheme for farmers), the government on Thursday decided to take strict action against those who have taken money in the name of farmers by forging documents.
The government has also annouced to set up control rooms in the areas concerned for faster action in the matter.
A loan waiver scheme for the farmers is being run by the Congress government under which growers are entitled to get relief of up to Rs 2 lakh each on their debts. The irregularities came to fore after different panchayats put up the list of beneficiaries.
Many farmers from Umaria, Shahdol, Agar-Malwa and other places have complained that they have been named as debtors in the list of beneficiaries even though they did not take any loan.
A farmer, Mukundi, 65, of Sagar district died due to heart attack after he came to know that Rs 5-lakh loan had been showed against his name and that he would have to repay a loan he never took.
Similar irregularities have also been reported from some other districts, forcing the government to take steps for a swift action.
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State Co-operative Minister Dr. Govind Singh has already issued an order for probe into the matters related to loan forgery. The Department of Farmer Welfare and Agriculture was the next to spring in action.
"Applications have been invited from the farmers who have not taken loan but have been listed under the 'Jai Kisan Fasal Rinn Mafi Yojana' as loanee," the department said in a statement here on Thursday.
"A list will be prepared after February 5 and people who have taken loan in farmers' names will have to face probe. Culprits will also face penal action for the crime," the statement added.
The government is getting filled up three types of forms -- green, white and pink -- under the scheme. Those who have Aadhaar card would fill the green form; someone not having Aadhaar but is a certified farmer would fill the white form; while those who don't fall in either category would be filling the pink form.
Once the form-filling process is over, a list would be issued to check acceptance and objections by the farmers. Thereafter, eligible farmers will get loan waiver and the corrupts will have to face legal action, said an official.