West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee will meet NCP leader Sharad Pawar here after meeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday. Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal are likely to join them, informed sources said.
"We are meeting over tea," Pawar said, when asked about the agenda for the leaders from different parties to get together.
On Tuesday, Pawar met the Trinamool chief at her party office in parliament house. Pawar was accompanied by his colleagues Praful Patel and Tariq Anwar.
"Tomorrow we are meeting at Sharad Pawar's residence. I think Kejriwalji is going there and other party leaders are also expected to come," Banerjee had said after meeting Kejriwal on Tuesday.
Banerjee said she and Kejriwal discussed a range of issues, including politics.
She said Kejriwal has invited her to attend a seminar on cooperative federalism here on September 22. The invite has been extended to other chief ministers as well.
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"When elections were held in Delhi and he won by a massive majority, I had congratulated him. Today I met him and congratulated him for his success (personally)," she said.
Praising Banerjee, Kejriwal said: "Mamataji is senior to me, and I have to learn a lot from her.
"Her party is also advocating the cause of the poor in Bengal. In Delhi also we raised issues concerning the common man. There are so many common grounds between Mamataji and AAP, and we will work together," he said.