Muslims across Kerala on Saturday celebrated Eid-ul-Fitr, to mark the end of the 30-day fasting period. Morning rain at some places, however, forced many of the faithful to stay indoors during the prayers organised at a stadium here.
The biggest crowds were witnessed in Muslim-dominated areas of the state like Malappuram, Kozhikode and Kannur, as well as in Kochi and the state capital.
Muslims in Kerala account for around 24 percent of the 33 million population.
At all the prayer centres, there were separate enclosures for women and children, who had turned up in large numbers.
Mutton and Beef stalls were crowded at most places as people queued up to get their requirements for the day. The price of mutton at some places went up to Rs.625 per kg, while beef was sold at up to Rs.300 per kg.
The state government has declared a two-day holiday on the occasion of Eid for all educational institutions and for government offices.