Nagaland Chief Minister T.R Zeliang has urged all the Naga Political Groups (armed factions) to have consultations among themselves to solve the state's decades-long conflict issue.
"Nagas have suffered for too long and we must find a solution that is honourable, acceptable to all sections of the society," said Zeliang hile addressing a Consultative Meeting of Nagaland Legislators with the various Naga Political Groups.
"The more we consult each other and share our views and opinions, the better we understand each other and we need to have more consultations on the issue at hand," he added.
Naga Political Groups refers to various armed groups which have been fighting for the sovereignty of the Nagas in the northeast, but now have a ceasrfire accord with the central government.
Pointing out that the Naga political problem is not a factional, tribal or any political party's problem, Zeliang said it is a problem of all Nagas and, therefore, all must come together to find permanent peace.
"This is not the time to point out who is right and who is wrong, but the time to point out what is right and what will be best for our Naga people as a whole," the chief minister added.