Scientists have developed a nanofiber mesh that can efficiently induce natural death (apoptosis) of epithelial cancer cells, says a study.
Developed by the researchers at International Centre of Material Nanoarchitectonics (MANA), Japan, the nanofiber mesh is capable of simultaneously realising thermotherapy (hyperthermia) and chemotherapy (treatment with anti-cancer drugs) of tumours, which until now was difficult to achieve, reports online bulletin of journal Advanced Functional Materials.
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is an epithelial malignant tumour which is found in many tissues. SCC is thought to account for more than 90 percent of esophageal cancers, more than 80 percent of the cervical cancers, and more than 30 percent of lung cancers.
Although surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy are three main therapeutic methods according to the stages of cancers, in addition to these methods, thermotherapy has also attracted great attention in recent years, according to researchers.
The nonofiber mesh developed by the MANA researchers is applied directly to the affected part. Its hybrid material combines a temperature-responsive polymer, magnetic nanoparticles, and anti-cancer drugs.