Wrestler Narsingh Yadav on Tuesday met Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a day after being cleared of doping charges by National Anti Doping Agency (NADA).
"The Prime Minister blessed me and encouraged to work hard and win a medal for the country," Yadav told reporters here after the meeting.
He said Modi also assured him that "no injustice" will be done to him.
Yadav was accompanied by Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) President Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh and Uttar Pradesh Bharatiya Janata Party chief Keshav Prasad Maurya.
NADA Director General Naveen Agarwal on Monday read out a statement clearing Narsingh, leading to celebrations.
Narsingh, who bagged the quota with a bronze medal finish in last year's World Championships, first returned positive for a banned steroid after a dope test conducted by the NADA on June 25.
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