Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said the "complex" fishermen issue between India and Sri Lanka involves livelihood and humanitarian concerns and both sides will need to find a long-term solution to the festering issue.
In his press statement after talks with President Maithripala Sirisena, Modi said it is also important for the fishermen associations of both sides to meet at the earliest to find a mutually acceptable solution and it would be taken forward by the two governments.
On the devolution of powers to the Tamil-dominated Northern province, he said that an "early and full implementation of the 13th amendment" will contribute to process of establishing a united Sri Lanka with a life of equality, justice and dignity.
He also stressed on the close neighbourly ties between the two countries, saying he was glad to be in Colombo so soon after the visit of President Sirisena to India.
"This is how it should be between neighbours. It helps to find solutions to mutual concerns and move the relations forward," he said.
Both sides also inked four agreements following delegation level talks between Modi and Sirisena.
The agreements are for exemption from visa for holders of diplomatic passports, cooperation in mutual assistance in customs, an MoU for youth development, and another for establishing a Rabindranath Tagore museum.