West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Friday refused to attach much importance to the JD-U putting up two candidates in alliance with the Left Front for the upcoming state assembly polls, and said her Bihar counterpart Nitish Kumar would continue to be a friend.
Banerjee reminded the media that she had made appeals twice ahead of the Bihar assembly polls late last year to the people to vote for the Janata Dal-United-Rashtriya Janata Dal alliance.
"If some political party puts up candidates, why should I quarrel? He (Nitish Kumar) is my friend, and continue to be so."
The Left Front has left two seats each for the JD-U and the RJD for the assembly polls.
RJD nominees would contest from Kolkata's Jorasanko and Bhatpara of North 24 Parganas district. The JD-U would fight from Howrah Central in Howrah district and Islampur of North Dinajpur.