Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje on Tuesday said that there was no discord between her and Prime Minister Narendra Modi and it was a perception created by the media.
Speaking in 'Agenda Aajtak' event, she said: "You (media) have made this perception that we (she and Modi) have differences. We talk about state affairs.
"There is no need to talk every day. We talk when necessary, when we meet in conferences."
She also denied reports that she was unhappy at her son Dushyant not being inducted in the Union Cabinet.
"It is all imaginary. I am shocked to see how rumours are being spread. Dushyant is happy. By God's grace, everyone in my family has got what we wanted," Raje said.
Asked about the leadership of Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi, she evaded the question, saying: "I do not have any opinion."