The device comes with a six-inch screen, a Pureview quality 20 megapixel camera, runs on Windows Phone 8 operating system. It comes with 2GB RAM and 32 GB internal user memory. “This is the most consumer-savvy business phone in the market,” said Vipul Mehrotra, director and head of smart devices at Nokia India, West Asia and Africa.
In the last one year, Nokia has launched 10 Lumia devices in India. “Going forward, we will focus more on services or experiences like mapping, imaging and music,” said Mehrotra.
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At present, the company focuses on three key areas of consumer experience — capture and relive (imaging), discover and enjoy (music) and location (exploring and mapping). “This will continue to be our key focus in recent future,” he said.
Nokia, meanwhile, has phased out all Lumia models that it had launched during 2012. Nokia, however, does not have any plan to explore the tablet market in India. “Our tablets are LTE based, and there’s no plan for India as of now,” said Mehrotra. It currently sells LTE tablets in four countries.
In 2014, Nokia will bring more products in its Asha range of smart feature phones and Lumia lineup..