Bihar Chief Minister Jitan Ram Manjhi, former chief minister Nitish Kumar and RJD chief Lalu Prasad said that the BJP wonthe Jharkhand assembly poll due to lack of unity among non-BJP parties.
Manjhi said the BJP would be defeated in Bihar, and the ruling JD-U and its new ally the RJD of Lalu Prasad, and Congress would stop the victory horse of the BJP in Bihar assembly polls in 2015.
"If non-BJP parties had contested together, the result of Jharkhand polls would have been totally different. Lack of unity among the non-BJP parties gave advantage to the BJP. I strongly feel that the BJP would have won more seats but it failed despite spliting of the non-BJP votes," Nitish Kumar said about the BJP's victory in Jharkhand.
Nitish Kumar said six parties of Janata parivar have been working for unity of the non-BJP parties to strengthen secular forces in the country to take on the BJP.
Lalu Prasad said that there was no wave of Modi behind victory of the BJP in Jharkhand; it was result of split between the ruling JMM and the Congress.
"The split of votes of the JMM and the Congress have given advantage to the BJP," he said.