The Himachal Pradesh High Court has issued notice to state government and the state-run Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital (IGMCH) here over declaring of entrance test result for doctor of medicine.
Hearing a petition of candidate Sachin Sondhi, a division bench of Justice D.C. Chaudhary and Justice Chander Bhusan Barowalia deferred the counselling for admission to doctor of medicine in cardiology that is scheduled on Saturday.
Sondhi, a senior resident with the IGMCH, alleged that he had appeared for the entrance test of doctor of medicine conducted by Himachal Pradesh University in Shimla and in it, three questions in the test were deleted by giving the reason of wrong answer key.
He said as per the syllabus he has given the right answers. Because of deletion of the three questions, he has secured the second position in the merit.
The decision of deleting three questions is wrong, he said, demanding the marks be evaluated afresh.
The bench listed the matter for next hearing on July 18.
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