Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh Thursday said Muslims from Pakistan and Afghanistan who had entered India prior to Dec 13, 2009 can submit their applications for Indian citizenship in person also.
"The eligible applicants, who were facing difficulty in submitting online applications, can now submit their applications offline also with their passports," a home ministry statement said.
"However, the Long Term Visa (LTV) of the applicant should be valid at the time of submitting citizenship application at the office of the district magistrate, collector or deputy commissioner," the statement said.
An affidavit filed before the authority prescribed under rule 38 of the citizenship rules 2009 will be considered in lieu of renunciation certificate, the statement said.
It also said that the children of the minority community, who entered India on the basis of their parents' passport, can apply without passport for grant of Indian citizenship after regularization of their stay in India.
"In the case of children of minority community born in India, they can also apply without passport for grant of Indian citizenship after regularization of their stay in India. These children will have to register with the Foreigners Registration Office (FRO) of the concerned district for the regularization," the statement said.