The Odisha assembly on Thursday passed the transplantation of human organs resolution which seeks stringent punishment for illegal human organ transplantation and trade in the state.
Parliament had passed Transplantation of Human Organs (Amendment) Bill, 2011. As per Clause-1 of Article-252 of the constitution, this Amendment Act can be made applicable to a state through a resolution to this effect by legislature.
With business transactions coming to normalcy after remaining deadlocked for consecutively one and half days and the opposition agreeing to cooperate in discussions pertaining to state interests, the resolution was approved by the house paving the path for stemming fraudulent human organ transplantation racket in the state.
According to the resolution, those indulging in illegal organ or tissue transplantation shall be punishable with a jail term of five years which may be extended to 10 years and a fine of Rs.20 lakh, extendable to Rs.1 crore.
Human Organ Transplantation Act-1994 was enacted in parliament and has been amended during 2011 and has come into force.