The Odisha government will conduct DGPS (Differential Global Positioning System) survey in 148 iron ore and manganese mines to check illegal mining operations outside the leasehold areas.
Director of mines Deepak Mohanty said: "We have already completed DGPS survey of 39 iron and manganese mines in the state. The DGPS survey of remaining 148 mines will be conducted soon and is expected to be completed by the end of May 2015."
He said the survey work will be taken up as per the guidelines recommended by the M.B. Shah Commission, which inquired into the illegal mining in the state.
The government has constituted a team comprising the Odisha Space Applications Centre (ORSAC) chief executive, director of mines and director of geology to undertake the survey work.
Mohanty said: "After the completion of DGPS survey, we will examine the lease boundaries time to time through satellite image to detect illegal mining outside the leasehold areas and initiate action against the lease holders."
The Odisha government has empowered the police personnel to detect mine-related cases in the coal-bearing districts of the state.
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Mohanty said the police will be empowered to detect mining-related cases and carry out search operation in the coal bearing districts -- Angul, Jharsuguda and Sambalpur.
Earlier, the government had empowered the police personnel to detect mining-related cases in Keonjhar, Sundargarh, Mayurbhanj and Jajpur districts under the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act.