Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Sunday said farmers of the drought-affected areas in the state need not worry about re-payment of loans as the government has taken a decision to re-schedule agricultural loans.
"The state government has already taken the decision to re-schedule agricultural loans and strong action will also be taken against unscrupulous money lenders," said the chief minister after returning from New Delhi.
He said the state government will make all out efforts to mitigate the sufferings of farmers and protect their interest.
"Together we have faced many calamities in the past. The farmers of the drought affected areas need not worry about re-payment of their loans. The state government is with our farmers and has all along been working to protect their interests," he said.
Recently, Patnaik had announced a Rs.1,000 crore package to mitigate drought situation in the state while the government has sought Rs.3,500 crore special assistance from centre to face the drought situation.
The government has decided to provide assistance to the farmers facing 33 percent and above crop loss in the state.
According to sources, more than 30 farmers have allegedly committed suicide in the state due to crop loss and loan burden.