Amid widespread clashes between Trinamool Congress and BJP workers across West Bengal even after the Lok Sabha elections results were declared, a man said to be a Bharatiya Janata Party supporter was shot dead in Nadia district, police said on Saturday.
"Santu Ghosh was shot outside his home at Chakdaha on Friday night and declared brought dead at a hospital. No one has been arrested so far. Investigation is going on," an officer of Chakdaha police station said.
Claiming that Ghosh had defected from Trinamool, BJP activists blocked a national highway and railway tracks for about two hours on Saturday, causing major disruption of train services in the Sealdah division.
Trinamool leaders though refuted the party's involvement in the incident and instead, accused the saffron workers of inciting violence in the area.
In the recently concluded Lok Sabha elections, Trinamool Congress bagged 22 seats while the BJP made huge gains securing 18 seat (16 more than 2014) while the Congress retained two seats.