Is your bin overflowing with cardboard boxes? Do you get more promotional emails than real ones? If yes, you might just have a weakness for online shopping. has a list of signs that indicate you are addicted to spending money online:
-You always have a tab open in your web browser with a full shopping cart.
- You are unhappy every time something arrives that isn't what you expected.
- You have a daily routine that consists of checking online retailers to see what's new and what's on sale.
- You've accidentally bought the same thing twice.
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- You get lots of promotional emails.
- Your heart skips a beat when you get an email from a store announcing a sale.
- You are on a first-name basis with the post office workers.
- You get packages in the mail that you forgot you even ordered.
-You've worked from home or just missed work entirely to sign for that thing you ordered last week.
- Your garbage bin is always overflowing with large cardboard boxes.