Actor Mohit Madaan, who will next be seen alongside Zareen Khan in Anant Mahadevans "Aksar 2", says he is open to playing all types of roles and wishes to try out all filmmaking genres.
"'Aksar 2' as a film defines me as an actor and get's me the opportunity to play more characters," Mohit, who ventured into Bollywood with "Love Exchange" in 2015, said in a statement.
"I would like to create my own niche and continue to make a mark as a versatile actor. I am open to doing all types of roles -- whether it be a romantic lover, a comic character, an action hero or a negative or grey character," Mohit added.
"Aksar 2", which also stars Gautam Rode and Lillete Dubey, is a sequel to 2006 thriller "Aksar".
"We have completed the shoots for the movie a month back and now are waiting for it to get released. My hardwork and emotions are attached to this project," Mohit said.
A release date for "Aksar 2" is yet to be announced.
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