Reality show producer and actor Raghu Ram of "Roadies" fame and his actress wife Sugandha Garg have split up after 10 years of being married. Sugandha says their relationship needed to go through a change from being a couple to "good friends".
"We still see each other very often. We decide that 2016 will be a new beginning with old friends and that's what we are doing. We had a beautiful and special relationship," Sugandha told IANS.
"Ten years were very fulfilling for both of us, but we see that our relationship needs to go through a change from being a couple to being good friends," she said.
How is she dealing with the situation?
"The best part about this (our divorce) is that Raghu and I are doing this together. If that was not the case, then it would have been difficult for both of us to handle this situation individually.
"We end up talking to each other about it and we keep a check on each other and ask, 'Are you fine?', and make sure so we are in this together. I don't feel like I am fighting this alone. It continues to be very pleasant."
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Sugandha said the paperwork of their divorce is yet to be done.
"We should get that underway very soon," said the actress, who has featured in "Jaane Tu... Ya Jaane Na" and "Tere Bin Laden".