India on Tuesday said its eyes were not shut on underworld don Dawood Ibrahim, but "some international compulsions" were hindering his extradition from Pakistan.
"On Dawood, I will only say we have not kept our eyes closed," union Home Minister Rajanth Singh told a media conference at the Press Club here.
"But you know there are some international compulsions due to which there are often some obstacles," the minister said to questions about Dawood's extradition from Pakistan.
There was a controversy recently over junior home minister Parathibhai Chaudhary's reply in the Lok Sabha that location of Dawood was unknown and extradition proceedings against him would start once he was traced.
However, Singh then clarified that India has credible information that Dawood is in Pakistan and the central government would not rest till he is brought back.
Pakistan has denied time and again the fugitive's presence on its soil.