India on Thursday said Pakistan has not responded to the clarifications it has sought about facilities to pilgrims for the Kartarpur corridor and has also not addressed its concerns about appointment of "controversial elements" to the committee appointed by Pakistan to be associated with the corridor.
External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Raveesh Kumar said India had sought clarifications from Pakistan on a number of issues, including the number of pilgrims who can visit as also aspects such as the number of pilgrims who can visit daily on visas.
"Those clarifications remain unaddressed by Pakistan," he said.
Kumar said India remains committed to fulfilling the wishes of people which flow out of a pending demand of Indian pilgrims to visit the holy Gurdwara Kartarpur Sahib using the corridor in safe, secure and easy manner.
He said India had also shared its concerns on reports that controversial elements have been appointed by Pakistan to a committee which was to be associated with Kartarpur corridor. "We are yet to receive a response from Pakistan," he said.
India had last week summoned Pakistan's Deputy High Commissioner Syed Haider Shah and conveyed its concerns over the presence of Khalistani separatists in a committee appointed by Pakistan on the Kartarpur Corridor project.
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It had put on hold the second round of Kartarpur Corridor talks scheduled for April 2.