India's top women's squash player Dipika Pallikal Thursday said it was no coincidence that she and compatriot Joshna Chinappa have been paired in the same half of the singles draw at the Asian Games to be held in the South Korean city of Incheon from Sep 19 to Oct 4.
Dipika and Joshna, who together won the women's doubles gold at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, could face each other in the second round, provided they win their openers.
"It's no coincidence that we have been drawn in the same half. This is not happening for the first time," said Dipika.
According to the Games handbook, two players from the same country cannot be drawn in the same half.
India faced a similar predicament at the 2006 Doha Games when Saurav Ghosal and Ritwik Bhattacharya were put in the same half. Ghosal went on to beat his countryman and qualified for the semi-finals, securing a bronze.
A similar story happened at the 2010 Guangzhou Games when Ghosal was in the same half of the draw with Siddharth Suchde, who lost to Ghosal assuring the latter a bronze for the consecutive time.
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"It is a sad affair, hope the rules come into place. It is disheartening to be in the same half and it is going to be a tough match. I hope the message reaches the concerned people and the draw can be changed," said the World No.12.
Dipika, who became the first Indian to break into the top 10, was confident of India's chances, saying the competition would not be too different from the Commonwealth Games.
"The level of competition is not that different. Malaysia and Hong Kong will pose the toughest challenge but even in the Commonwealth Games we had to contend with English players, who were hard to beat," said Dipika.
"We are certainly good enough to be amongst the medals. It could have been more if Joshna and I were not in the same half."