Goa Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar condoled the death of former CM Dr. Wilfred de Souza, 87, who died on Friday following cardiac arrest.
In a condolence message, Parsekar described the three-time chief minister as a "prominent politician" and said that his death was a "great loss to society".
Wilfred de Souza, a qualified surgeon, was admitted to a private hospital after he complained of breathlessness. He died following cardiac arrest at 9.15 a.m.
One of the state's most powerful minorities' leaders, he served as chief minister on three occasions but could never complete a full term in office in the defection-ridden political era which the state witnessed in the 1990s.
The Uganda-born de Souza was also a member of several political parties throughout his long career as politician, that included United Goans Party, Congress, Goa Rajiv Congress, Nationalist Congress Party and the Trinamool Congress.
Goa has announced a three-day state mourning following de Souza's death.