Actor Ajith Kumar, who is busy shooting for Tamil action-thriller "Yennai Arindhaal", recently took out time to attend an event at his daughter Anushoka's school as a doting father, but not as a celebrity.
"For the last few days, Ajith sir has been shooting at night. Hence, he had the time to attend an event at his daughter's school recently. He didn't go there as the star, but as a father and clicked photographs of all the kids performing," a source close to the actor told IANS.
"He always makes it a point to have time for some important events at his daughter's school. He likes to click pictures and cherish these moments," he said.
Ajith's "Yennai Arindhaal" with filmmaker Gautham Vasudev Menon is nearing completion. He will next start working on a yet-untitled Tamil film with director Siva.