The prestigious Gauhati Lok Sabha constituency, which is going to the polls April 24, will see two VVIPs casting their ballot - Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his wife Gurcharan Kaur.
"The prime minister and his wife will arrive in the Assam capital (Dispur) April 24. We have received intimation in this regard from the Prime Minister's Office," Senior Superintendent of Police (Guwahati) A.P. Tiwari said Monday.
Manmohan Singh and his wife, who are enlisted in the electoral rolls in Dispur assembly constituency that comes under the Gauhati Lok Sabha constituency, will cast their votes at the polling centre in Dispur Government H.S. School.
Former chief minister late Hiteswar Saikia had offered Manmohan Singh a Rajya Sabha seat from Assam after he became the union finance minister in 1991. In May last year, Singh was re-elected to the upper house for the fifth consecutive term.
Manmohan Singh is listed as a tenant in Saikia's house in Sarumotoria area.