Tamil Nadu's PMK and DMDK of actor A.Vijayakant officially announced their alliance talks with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for the Lok Sabha polls in Tamil Nadu.
In a statement, PMK founder S.Ramadoss said a committee has been formed under party president G.K.Mani to carry out the talks with BJP.
The DMDK also said in a statement that it has started talks with BJP.
If BJP succeeds in roping in PMK and DMDK within its fold, then there will be a multi-cornered contest in Tamil Nadu.
The AIADMK will be going it alone aiming for all the seats while arch rival DMK will fight the elections with two Muslim parties - MMK and IUML - and two Dalit parties - VCK and PT.
The two left parties, which called off their alliance with the AIADMK Thursday, and the Congress will also be there in the fray.