In order to ensure free, fair and peaceful conduct of the Lok Sabha elections, Jammu and Kashmir's chief electoral officer (CEO) Umang Narula Thursday chaired a high level meeting to reviewed law and order situation in parliamentary constituencies of Jammu and Udhampur.
"On the occasion, a video conference with the returning officers of Jammu and Udhampur-Doda constituencies, district election officers and respective district police chiefs was organized.
"Exhaustive deliberations were held - these inter-alia include deployment of state armed police and the central armed police forces, communication plan, transport plan and other security related matters," said a statement from the CEO's office.
"While giving details of law and order scenario in the state, the CEO said so far 5,618 licensed arms have been deposited with the concerned police stations in these constituencies while three weapons were impounded. No incident of violence related to poll campaign or political rivalry has been reported.
"As many as 693 cases have been put up under preventive sections of the Criminal Procedure Code, out of which 669 people involved bound over under preventive sections," it said, adding that 315 hamlets have been identified as vulnerable and 308 people identified as probable source of trouble.
Special Director General of Police K. Rajendra, Inspector General, Jammu, Rajesh Kumar, state director information, Tasaduq Jeelani and deputy CEO, Rakesh Sarangal, attended the meeting.