Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu on Wednesday flagged-off a passenger train for Kerala, along with 45 freight terminals envisaged under 'Mission Hundred' -- an objective as per the 2016-17 Budget.
"Kerala is a state with high population density with not much urban-rural divide, so demand for public transport is high. Providing intercity transport for Kerala is important," said a statement citing the minister, who inaugurated these services through video-conferencing here.
"This new train would cater to the needs of people of Kerala. Stoppages and timings of this train has been taken care of based on the suggestions from the representations from the state," Prabhu said.
The passenger train -- 'Palaruvi' Express -- will operate daily between Punalur and Palakkad in Kerala covering 351 kilometres.
The Central government's 'Mission Hundred' entailed that the railways would "develop or commission at least hundred freight terminals on private investment in the next two years".
Prabhu pointed out that "freight is important segment" for the railways and that change in freight policies is "always required".
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"These new 45 freight terminals inaugurated today is a next step of change in freight policy," he added.