The BJP Friday said the country's economy was continuously gaining strength under the Narendra Modi government and the annual wholesale inflation rate had dropped to its lowest level in the five years.
"Due to policies of NDA government, inflation is at a five-year low, growth rate has gone up and India is gaining new success in international trade issues. The best news is that the price rise, which was troubling the poor and the common man, has been firmly contained," party secretary Shrikant Sharma said in a statement.
He said the inflation rate had come down due to fall in prices of food, and petroleum products.
India's annual wholesale inflation rate dropped to its lowest level in five years to 1.77 percent in October from 2.38 percent in the previous month and 7.24 percent for the like month of the previous year, official data showed Friday.
Similarly, as per data on official wholesale price index released by the government, the index for fuel and power also declined by 1.3 percent, due to lower prices of aviation fuel, petrol, diesel and kerosene.