After facing failure with his debut film - comedy drama "Chal Pichchur Banate Hain", director Pritish Chakraborty is ready to strike back with a sci-fi. He says it'll be a complete laugh riot.
He has titled the film "Mangal Ho" and says the story is about an Indian couple who become the first to set up the first human civilization on the planet Mars.
"It's a comic situation as the couple is not astronaut. They get selected through some process and what happens after that is the film about," Chakraborty told IANS.
He is so confident about the film's box office prospect that he has already planned a series.
He said: "It's a high budget film. It's a high concept genre and it's a Mars mission. I have been a sci-fi freak all my life and I have planned it as a series because after 'Mangal Ho' we will also have 'Mangal Ho 2', 'Mangal Ho 3' etc."
However, when asked if the film would be the Indian version of "Gravity", Chakraborty said: " 'Gravity' was depressing, though it was a great film. This is a laugh riot and little bit about sci-fi in it. If I may say so, this is the first laugh riot sci-fi in Hindi."
"Lot of visual effects will be there in the film as setting up the Mars atmosphere is going to be challenging. I have shot for the first schedule and from November end we will start the second schedule," he added.
Chakraborty's "Mangal Ho" features newcomers and is slated for a 2015 release.