Actor Ranveer Singh, who is himself known for his quick wit and charm, says he was truly entertained when he shot with the cast of popular comedy TV show "Bhabiji Ghar Par Hain!".
In the special episode, a jealous Vibhuti (Aashif Sheikh) will be seen trying hard to compete with Ranveer to attract Angoori Bhabhi's (Shilpa Shinde) attention. And while Angoori Bhabhi will try to get a few dialogues of Ranveer's forthcoming movie "Bajirao Mastani" right, Ranveer will help her in that.
"I must say that this team is so warm, wonderful and hilarious. Such talented actors with brilliant comic timing. We had some fun, improvised moments while acting and I think it's going to be a really, really funny episode. I am looking forward to watching it myself," Ranveer said in a statement.
The episode of "Bhabiji Ghar Par Hain!" featuring Ranveer will be aired on &TV on Thursday.
Directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali, "Bajirao Mastani", which also stars Deepika Padukone and Priyanka Chopra, is slated to release on Friday.