Actress Rasika Dugal, known for theatre play "The Vagina Monologues", is set to star in an Indo-German film "Once Again" with Shefali Shah, directed by Kanwal Sethi.
Rasika said in a statement: "I am excited about my part in the film as I play a character different from the ones that I have been offered before. The character I play is very volatile, impulsive and yet mature. And, of course, has to be lovable. It's a tough combination to pull off with conviction and I am eager to see how things will turn out."
It was "such a treat" for her to get an opportunity to work with her co-actors Neeraj Kabi and Shefali Shah.
"It is rare to find actors who have consistently done good work, who have only grown as actors over the years and managed to sustain the quality of their work. They have that magical combination of skill and experience," she said.
"My most valued experience on this film, more than experimenting with my own role, was to just watch Neeraj and Shefali work. That is my biggest learning from this film," she added.