Revised pensions under the 'One Rank One Pension' (OROP) scheme have been given to over two lakh defence pensioners along with the first installment of arrears, the government said on Monday.
It said "revised pensionary benefits" were released to 221,224 pensioners drawing service and disability pensions from the Defence Pension Disbursing Offices, functioning under the Controller General of Defence Accounts.
"The amount along with the first instalment of arrears had been released and credited by the defence ministry to the accounts of these pensioners on March 1," the statement said.
In the case of the remaining 146,335 family pensioners drawing pension from the Defence Pension Drawing Officers, payment along with arrears was expected to be released by March-end.
The ministry said the additional annual financial increase in grants for OROP came to Rs.7,488.70 crore.
The total arrears to be paid from July 1, 2014 to December 31, 2015 was Rs.10,925.11 crore.
The increase in pensions will cost the defence ministry an additional Rs.4,721.34 crore, with the defence pension liability coming to Rs.64,959.34 crore for 2015-16.