Designer Sunita Shekhawat, who has collaborated with designer brand House of Kotwara to do a photo shoot with Bollywood actress Huma Qureshi, feels the richness of Indian craft is incomparable. She says that to be able to design for the future, one must learn from and honour the past.
Shekhawat and the House of Kotwara aligned their 25-year-long mutual passion for craft, legendary familial heritage and discerning understanding of art and colour to curate this collection.
"The richness of the craft is incomparable. Kundan-meena by the very virtue of its essence, craftsmanship and rich history, is considered an artefact. The challenge and conversely the strength of the brand lies in preserving the old world and original charm, while reinventing the sensibility for contemporary time and the future.
"The brand believes that to be able to design for the future one must learn from and honour the past. These values are reflected by the House of Kotwara and both brands are tremendously proud to have put this together," Shekhawat told IANS.
The designer has also recently associated with brand Vidhi Singhania for a spring summer line that pays tribute to woven textiles of Kota and to kundan-meenakari jewellery.