Umesh Shukla's "All Is Well" landed in a lurch when Smriti Irani stepped out of the project after shooting for over half the movie. Then, Abhishek Bachchan took time off to take care of his sports commitments. But Rishi Kapoor, who plays his father in the film, says comprising as per other actors' dates is "all part of the game".
Smriti, the union human resource development minister, had her priorities set and decided to devote her time full-fledgedly to her cabinet duties. Now the "All Is Well" team is busy zeroing in on her replacement.
Rishi Kapoor, who reportedly had to back out of quite a few projects to accommodate "All Is Well", doesn't deny that it's a setback.
"In 2013, I had five releases. In 2014, I had only one release. Hota hai (It happens). It's all part of the game. When the dates of other actors are involved, there is bound to be a certain amount of compromise involved," he said.