TV actress Roopal Tyagi, best known as Gunjan from "Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke", took a stand against cyber bullying at the "Be a Star Rally" at Andrews Auditorium here.
Roopal addressed 175 children (along with their parents) on the issue and shared the stage with WWE superstar Ryback.
The actress believes that the best way to avoid any kind of bullying is to talk to people whom we can trust, like our elders or parents.
"I spoke to the kids about it, I explained to them what it is because most of them are only aware of verbal and physical bullying, they are not aware of cyber bullying," Roopal told IANS.
"I also told them how they can stop it, by talking to people they can trust, like teachers or parents or any elder," she added.
The 23-year-old also shared that recently even she became a victim of cyber bullying, but she tried to confront it.
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"I am going through it right now. There are more than 100 fake IDs on my name on Twitter and Facebook. People are interacting with my fans and talking to them on my behalf, asking them to come and meet at so and so place."
"So, there was this fake ID where I posted that 'why are you doing this?' and 'what will you get out of it?'," Roopal said.
"I did not get a reply but yes, after that my fans are aware now that which is my real ID and which is the fake one, so now they will ignore them," she added.
What did you advise the kids?
"Apart from telling them to talk to their parents, I have asked them to be more open to them. I know that people don't want to share their username and password with anyone, but they can have their parents on their friend list, so that they are aware of what is happening," Roopal said.