Jharkhand Chief Minister Raghubar Das, who is in charge of the finance department also, tabled in the state assembly on Monday a Rs 75,673.42 crore budget for 2017-2018.
The budget is 19.17 per cent more than the previous budget.
For the first time, Jharkhand has ended the planned and non-planned budget and tabled Revenue expenditure and Capital expenditure budget.
In 2017-18, the Capital budget is Rs 18,812.10 crore and Revenue Budget is Rs 57,861.32 crore.
The highest budget allocation is for education with Rs 10,517.64 crore, followed by Rural Development with 10,473.70 crore.
The money for the year 2017-18 would come from state share of central taxes with 27.80 per cent, state's own taxes with 26.30 per cent, Grant-in-Aid with 17.73 per cent, state's own non-taxes with 14.88 per cent and Recovery of Loans and Advances with 0.80 per cent.
The gender budget has been increased up to 30.05 per cent.
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"We have tried to keep the deficit up to 2.5 per cent which is as per Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) guidelines. The focus of the budget is agriculture, education and rural development," Chief Minister Das told reporters later.
Das announced a number of social welfare schemes in the budget.
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