The Madhya Pradesh assembly on Thursday witnessed ruckus over the alleged derogatory comments on Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) chief Mayawati by Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Daya Shankar Singh.
When the house was witnessing noisy scenes, led by BSP legislators, Madhya Pradesh Parliamentary Affairs Minister Narottam Mishra reminded the party of the humiliating defeat it suffered in the 2014 Lok Sabha polls.
"Discovery Channel is looking for an elephant that lays eggs," Mishra said. He was referring to BSP whose symbol is elephant and by egg, he meant winning seats.
The Congress also joined the BSP 'protest' due to which the house proceedings had to be adjourned twice.
Mishra was also involved in a verbal duel with Congress members.
He told the Congress to raise the issue pertaining to Mayawati in Lok Sabha where "their leader Rahul Gandhi, Congress vice president, sleeps".
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The BJP on Wednesday suspended Uttar Pradesh unit vice-president Daya Shankar Singh for six years following his alleged derogatory comments regarding Mayawati.