The CBI Friday arrested an Odisha-based newspaper's proprietor Bikash Swain and Ranjan Kumar Das, the personal assistant of ruling BJD legislator Pravata Tripaty, in connection with multi-crore-rupee Saradha chit fund scam.
Swain, the owner of Odia newspaper "Surya Prabha:, was arrested along with Das, the then chief adviser in AT Multipurpose Cooperative Society Ltd, in Artha Tatwa Group case - connected with the Saradha scam - on charges of conspiracy and misappropriation of funds.
The CBI has till now registered 48 cases, including four in West Bengal and 44 in Odisha, in the alleged chit fund scam on the directions of the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court had handed over the Rs.10,000 crore Saradha chit fund scam case to the CBI in May and asked the state governments to provide all logistical help to the agency.