Parliamentary Affairs Minister M. Venkaiah Naidu on Saturday said that history had not done justice to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and if he had been the first prime minister, the country's face could have changed more.
Naidu, who was present at the function to flag off the Run for Unity by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, described Patel as a "great son of India".
"History has not done justice to memory of Sardar Patel for whatever reason. It is our duty to see he is remembered," Naidu said.
Naidu said he was of the opinion, like millions of others, that "if Patel was the first prime minister, the face (of the country) could have been changed more".
"But what happened, happened," Naidu added. Sardar Patel was independent India's first home minister.
Naidu also said the prime minister was working to make India a developed country.
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"We are one people. That feeling should be in everybody," he said.
In his speech, Home Minister Rajnath Singh said Sardar Patel played a stellar role in integrating the princely states with India.
"He was the architect of modern India," the home minister said, adding that Patel helped connect the farming community with the freedom struggle.
Singh also said India has a diversity of caste, language and religion and people should take a pledge to work for the country's unity and see that it was never imperilled.
"This will be true tribute to Patel," he added.