The West Bengal's ruling Trinamool Congress on Monday distanced itself from party MP Saugata Roy's comment on the controversy over External Affairs Minister Sushama Swaraj helping out former IPL chief Lalit Modi in securing documents to travel to Portugal in July last year for the treatment of his cancer-stricken wife.
"Saugata Roy's statement on Sushma Swaraj issue may be his personal view, not the view of the party. He is not a spokesperson," said Trinamool Rajya Sabha member and spokesperson Derek O'Brien
Roy had said: "Sushma Swaraj should not have had intervened in the matter and now she must own up to having done something improper in her capacity as a minister."
Sushma Swaraj on Sunday said she helped Lalit Modi on "humanitarian grounds" over treatment for his cancer-afflicted wife in Portugal.