The ruling Congress in Himachal Pradesh on Wednesday said the Supreme Court's decision to restore the ousted Nabam Tuki government in Arunachal Pradesh was historic as the BJP faced a setback a second time for imposing President's Rule.
"The decision of the Supreme Court is historic. This is the second time in recent months that the BJP has faced a setback over imposing President's Rule," Congress spokesperson Naresh Chauhan said in a statement.
He said earlier the Narendra Modi government had unconstitutionally clamped President's Rule in Uttarakhand but the court ruled in favour of the Congress party and Chief Minister Harish Rawat had won the floor vote which led to restoration of Congress government in the state, he said.
In an unanimous verdict on WEdnesday, a Constitution bench of Justices J.S. Khehar, Dipak Misra, Madan B. Lokur, Pinaki Chandra Ghosh and N.V. Ramana directed the restoration of the status quo ante as it existed on December 15, 2015, in Arunachal Pradesh, effectively bringing Tuki back as the Chief Minister.