A series titled "Women Fighter Pilots" exploring the lives of India's female combat aircraft pilots will soon beam on Indian television.
Discovery, an infotainment channel, will bring forward the story of the first batch of three women fighter pilots -- Avani Chaturvedi, Bhawana Kanth and Mohana Singh.
"I am doing my job; something which I have always wanted to do -- serving the nation as a fighter pilot. If people are getting inspired; why should I feel any pressure, I am still doing my thing," Kanth said in a statement to IANS.
To this, Singh, added: "The development of women opting for the fighter stream has been highlighted to create awareness and to inspire more women to join the forces."
Chaturvedi said "being famous made it a little difficult to adjust in the squadron initially".
"This popularity and over appreciation of things was a little difficult for us, because fauj (army) is all about working in a team. So, if entire team is not getting highlighted then why only three of us?"
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"The women fighters have become a modern symbol of women empowerment -- they have broken the last of all barriers by becoming a fighter pilot. We are excited to showcase this amazing story to our viewers," said, Zulfia Waris, Vice President and Digital Networks, Discovery Communications India.
The two-part series will premiere on Friday on Discovery Channel and Discovery World HD.
"We have explored this captivating human story of ambition, of not saying no, in a manner that has not been done before," Waris added.