A group of college and university students affiliated to the Students Federation of India (SFI) on Tuesday staged a demonstration demanding an explanation from West Bengal's ruling Trinamool Congress on its alleged links with some suspected agents of Pakistan's ISI spy agency who were arrested recently.
Three suspected ISI agents were arrested here on Sunday. While Irshad Ansari was allegedly a member of the trade union wing of the Trinamool, his son Ashfaq was the general secretary of the party-led students' union at the Harimohan Ghosh College here.
"How can the party not monitor their backgrounds? We have sought an explanation from the party on its connections with ISI," a SFI state committee member told IANS during the protest at College Street here.
Ansari, a contract labourer at Garden Reach Ship Builders (involved in building vessels for the Indian Navy) was nabbed along with his son Ashfaq for allegedly supplying sensitive documents on military installations to the ISI.
Trinamool Chhatra Parishad state secretary Ashok Rudra has said Ashfaq was no more an activist of the TMCP and was suspended a few months back.