Pakistani actor-director Shaan Shahid, who has made the remake of veteran filmmaker Mahesh Bhatts 1982 Bollywood film "Arth", has urged the Indian community to support his movie "Arth 2" and the friendship between the two nations.
"First of all, it was the business proposition for me. India and Pakistan do a lot of trade. So, why not give cultural trade a chance? We give space to Indian films. So, I think intellectual elites from both sides should bridge this gap between the countries," Shahid said in an interview, reports
"If there are people working for war, then there should be people working for peace as well.
"I would urge the Indian community to come and support the cause of Pakistani and Indian friendship. So, show your heart out and come and watch 'Arth 2'. It's an Indian-Pakistani movie. It's been quite some time since we've been united," he added.
Shaan said that Bhatt has given a thumbs up to his movie.
"The kind words coming from Maheshji were amazing. He was kind enough. When I offered him money for the rights of the film, he refused saying, 'I want this movie to be the first Pakistani and Indian collaboration. If you're making it Shaan, then I'm not going to charge you anything'," he said.